What happens with the skin’s hydrobalance as we age?

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance in our bodies. It can bind huge amounts of water and keeps our body tissues hydrated, soft and flexible. 

From the age of 28, we lose around 1% per year of the hyaluronic acid in our skin. With time, or due to exposure to environmental factors, our skin may become dry, fine lines and wrinkles may start to appear and the skin can lose its natural radiance.1 It is often difficult to restore the skin’s inner hydrobalance by using creams that are applied on the skin surface. To hydrate and improve skin quality from within you need treatments that have a long-lasting effect below the skin surface. 

Restaurer l’hydratation de la peau et sa qualité, en profondeur

Restoring hydration and skin quality from within

Natural hyaluronic acid in our bodies form long molecular chains. This naturally occurring hyaluronic acid forms and degrades quickly, in 24-48 hours. Restylane Skinboosters contains hyaluronic acid that has been stabilized with a cross-linking technology so that it does not degrade at the same rate.2 As a result, Restylane Skinboosters will provide a long-lasting hydrating effect in your skin. 

By injecting micro droplets just below the skin surface, Restylane Skinbooster restores the natural composition of the skin, boosts hydration and improves elasticity.3

Committed to innovation

Galderma empowers everyone to realize their own aesthetic goals by providing the most diverse portfolio of injectable treatments on the market. With constant innovation and pioneering new technologies, we push the industry forward in our ambition to develop safe aesthetic treatments that live up to or exceed patients’ expectations. Learn more about our solutions and our commitment to innovation here. 


5,5 million treatments performed to date4

96% would like to continue or repeat treatment5

12 months - Results that last up to 12 months6


1 Koblenzer CS. Clin Dermatol 1996;14(2):171–7.; Matsubara et al. Skin Res Technol 2012;18(1):29–35.; Finn CJ et al. Dermatol Surg 2003;29(5):450–455.
2 Williams S et al. J Cosmet Dermatol 2009;8(3):216–25.
3 Turlier V et al. J Dermatol Sci 2013;69:187–94.; Wang F et al. Arch Dermatol 2007;143:155–63.; Distante F et al. Dermatol Surg 2009;35(S1):389–93.; Gubanova EI et al. J Drugs Dermatol 2015;14(3):288–98.  
4 Data on File (MA-39929)
5 Gubanova EI et al. Aesthetic Med 2010;1:94-98.
6 Gubanova EI et al. J Drugs Dermatol 2015;14(3):288–98.