For a refined look that lasts, try Restylane®

Every one of us is unique, not just in terms of looks, but in our own individual goals and needs. We want results that improve our appearance while preserving our own unique beauty. Restylane offers the world’s most diverse range of fillers1 that provides instant and natural results for long-term satisfaction. Restylane empowers you to enhance and maintain your looks – your way.

Restylane is the original hyaluronic acid dermal filler with over 40 million treatments to date. Restylane fillers provide you with shape and contours through lift, fill and volume.2


Our Restylane Lift products shape your facial contours when you need a lift to reduce signs of aging or when you wish to sharpen your looks.

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Our Restylane Fill products fill lines and wrinkles for a refined result. 

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Our Restylane Volumize products create volume and softness in your face, to enhance your cheeks or lips, or to regain volume lost with age. 

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des patients ont observé une amélioration après le traitement avec Restylane® Defyne™ 8


des patients injectés avec Restylane® ont présenté des résultats satisfaisants 18 mois après le traitement 9


des patients ont trouvé les résultats d'apparence naturelle10


A treatment with Restylane does not take long. Depending on the area and indication, it takes approximately 15-45 minutes. A touch-up treatment is sometimes performed approximately two weeks after the initial treatment to optimize the results.

Some people may experience mild discomfort. Most Restylane fillers contain an integrated local anesthetic, lidocaine, to provide you with a more comfortable treatment experience. You and your healthcare practitioner may decide whether additional pain relief is needed.

Ask your healthcare practitioner if you will benefit from treatment with any of the hyaluronic acid products within the Restylane range. It is important when discussing your medical history to tell your practitioner everything, including all medicines that you are taking, any present and past allergies and their seriousness, and all current or past medical conditions you have had. Your practitioner will discuss potential side effects from the injection of Restylane and how serious they may be. You should also inform your practitioner if you have received previous aesthetic treatments, both surgical and non-surgical. 

Patients with a known allergy to hyaluronic acid based products should not undergo treatment, nor should patients with bleeding disorders, or active skin disease such as inflammation, infection or tumors in or near the area to be treated. Discuss contraindications, warnings and precautions with your healthcare practitioner before Restylane filler treatments.

The Restylane products have not been tested in pregnant or breastfeeding women and is therefore not recommended if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

After the treatment you will receive post-treatment guidelines. It is normal to experience some post-treatment discomfort, such as redness, swelling, pain, itching, bruising or tenderness at the treatment site. These side effects generally disappear within one week after injection.

Other potential side effects can occur with dermal fillers based on hyaluronic acid. You should discuss the potential treatment risks with your healthcare practitioner. Following treatment, there is sometimes a need for a touch-up treatment to achieve an optimal result.

Our portfolio of products

Galderma has developed a diverse portfolio of products that work holistically together.



Refresh your skin from within with a boost of deep hydration, for a refreshed and vibrant look that lasts.



Renew the structure of your skin with a collagen activator that gradually builds the foundation of the youthful, firmer you.



Ravivez la structure de votre peau avec un activateur de collagène qui redonne progressivement fermeté et jeunesse à votre visage.


1 Data on file (MA-33939).; Öhrlund A. Poster presented at AMWC 2019.
2 Öhrlund A. Poster presented at AMWC 2019.; Data on file (MA-34675); Data on file (MA-39680).
3 Swift A et al. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol 2017;10:229–238.
4 Philipp-Dormston et al. Dermatol Surg 2018;44(6):826–832.
5 Rzany B et al. Dermatol Surg 2012;38:1153–1161.