Our cheeks help form the basic framework of our faces and play a key role in shaping our appearance. Whether you have classic high cheekbones or more subtle lower ones, your cheeks are one of the first things people will notice.
Age and a harsh environment can alter the appearance of our cheeks, causing volume loss and facial wrinkles. The right dermal filler treatment can address the appearance of lines and improve facial volume.

The Effect of Ageing On the Cheeks
A protein called collagen contributes to the full, firm appearance of youthful faces. Once we reach our twenties, we lose collagen from our skin at a rate of about one percent a year, contributing to a loss of elasticity and firmness and the formation of wrinkles.
During our thirties and forties, fine lines may develop on the cheeks. At the same time, the loss of fat pads and bone in the face can lead to a loss of volume. In the cheek area, this may result in a loss of definition and fullness.
Exposure to harsh sunlight has a cumulative effect that becomes especially apparent in the forties and fifties. Dermal filler products can revive your youthful appearance and long term results without resorting to plastic surgery or a surgical procedure.
Aesthetic Treatments for Cheeks
Volumising-style dermal fillers and skin boosters are two potential treatments that can add volume to the cheek area and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Volumising-style dermal fillers can restore volume to the cheeks. It can also add to, replace or restore youthful contours and cheekbone structure. When placed in the deeper layers of the skin, fillers provide a consistency that is soft, yet firm enough to provide volume and shape.
Volumising-style dermal fillers can restore volume to the cheeks. It can also add to, replace or restore youthful contours and cheekbone structure. When placed in the deeper layers of the skin, fillers provide a consistency that is soft, yet firm enough to provide volume and shape.
Click here to read more about volumising-style dermal fillers and here to read more about skin boosters.
Browse examples of how our cheek filler patients appeared before and after treatment. These patients were treated with cosmetic injectables such as anti-wrinkle treatments and dermal fillers in the cheek area.
Before & After

- Dermal fillers: forehead, cheekbones, cheeks, nose, lips and chin.
- Individual results may vary.

- Dermal fillers: cheekbones, nose, cheeks and smile lines
- Individual results may vary.

- Anti-wrinkle treatments: frown lines;
- Dermal fillers: under eyes, cheekbones, cheeks and smile lines.
- Individual results may vary.